Grief & Loss

Are you the one who is having trouble in relationships?

There are so many issues that I think myself responsible to fix them. We also feel obligated to change them or at least solve our loved one’s problems.  

 Pause for a moment and think, it’s time for some self-talk!  

Is it realistic to hold my self-responsible for other people’s issues or behaviors?

Can I change other people?

 I see myself being consumed for the things I do not have any control. It is causing me so much grief and pain.   What can I do for myself?

 I need to separate myself from the emotional drama for a minute.

Myself needs my attention. So I need to take some time out for my self-care –   give myself the due share of my emotional well-being.

 Finding a confidant to share my feeling will be another good idea!

Ready to get started?  Click on the button below to schedule a free phone call or send me an email.